The story & why i cut.

The story.
I was 4 when we moved here, this hellish town that i hate so very much. Its boring and lonely. Its south of Atlanta and the people here suck. I live with my mother, father, and older brother who is currently in college majoring in english. I have a best friend & we've known each other for 10 years now. I have no boyfriend, but i have the love of my life, who i am unable to see due to age difference and the fact that my parents hate him. My mother stays home with me because im homeschooled, and my father works for Mckinsey & Company inc, he is a severe alcoholic. Im a dancer, and thats practically what i live for.

Why I self harm.
I self harm because it is a release, a temporary relief from reality, and because i am addicted.
I started cutting at age 13 when I began having a sexual relationship with a 26 year old man.
I have extremely low self esteem. I dont like the way i look or the stuff i've done in the past.
I want to be perfect. I want to be pure. All i want is to be beautiful, to have a perfect small but athletic stomach, a beautiful face, and no scars.